Our mind allows us to focus on two directions: the future is in front of us, the past is behind. The eternal return, the balance of opposites, in our vision is linked to questions about the future of the planet, the evolution of humans and society.
What is reality, and what is its symbol? Is it a mental projection? Monuments that look like places, places that look like monuments.
Processes and spaces of interaction, new places for your enjoyment that arise by browsing in the archive of the present. Our minds look to new frontiers.
Some tense space. Opposites creating balance. Stability given by the succession of shadows and light.
Sagrestia nuova di S. Lorenzo, Firenze, Ph: Brogi, c. 1870/90. Source: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
A real interaction, something physical.
Uyuni Salt. Ph: Diego Aguilar on Unsplash
A place where opposites coexist, spatially and conceptually.
I wonder how such a place could exist today, or in the future...
Glenn Ligon, Double America 2, 2014. The Broad, Los Angeles. Ph: LashupGlenn Ligon, Double America 2, 2014. The Broad, Los Angeles. Ph: Lashup
I don't know — everything is different today, our rituals focus on what? Entertainment? We evolve to new frontiers where the natural element survives beyond its habitat.
Perhaps we will get to the point where we will be able to completely mimic nature by merging with it — Or will we be able to match it?
Macro X-ray of an Orchid Flower. Ph: Mathew Schwartz on UnsplashMacro X-ray of an Orchid Flower. Ph: Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash
"Human beings, machines and space build a new organic body that exceeds all comparison. It becomes a new species that is neither machine nor human.” - K. Kurokawa, Capsule Declaration 1969, in ID., Metabolism in Architecture, Studio Visita, London 1977, p.75.
John Bock, Curve-Vehicle, 2010. Ph: Ruben Vermeulen on Unsplash
Yet I find something beautiful, something positive in it; some kind of happy ending hope.
Matti Suuronen, FUTURO House, late 1960s.Futuro,Constructing Utopia,Boijmans van Beuningen. by flo and me is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Yes, like a Disney happy ending — people create what they need. They produce new monuments to represent their hopes.
Disneland entrance sign,1960.
Perhaps we should get rid of all this proliferation of symbols and focus solely on our needs. To tell stories that have never been told. To think of new places that combine visions of the future with human needs, meditation, sociality, gathering...
Superstudio Atti fondamentali; Educazione, Progetto 1, Litografia, 1971.
"We postulate human society as a process of cosmic development from atom to nebula. We use the biological term "metabolism" as for us design and technology are just extensions of the human vital power. That is why we do not simply accept the metabolism of history as a natural process, but seek to actively develop it."
The manifesto of metabolism 1960, cit. in A.ISOZAKI, Japan-ness in Architecture, MIT Press, Cambridge 2006 p.62
Awazu Kiyoshi, Poster for The Works of Kurokawa Kisho 1970Kishō Kurokawa, Nakagin Capsule Tower, Tokyo, 1972. Ph: Daryan Shamkhali on Unsplash
Places where our minds can imagine new frontiers.
Herzog & de Meuron, Messe Basel New Hall, Basel, 2013. Ph: Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Lashup is available with any rightful claimants who could not be identified and with whom we could not communicate.
Graphic design by atto